Friday, March 02, 2007

End Times?

I hear so much about Global Warming and the destructive weather, one has to assume that our weather is going to get worse as years and days go by. I've read about the Tsunami's, Volcanoes erupting over in the Pacific Asian area and multiple earthquakes in that region as well. But here in the U.S., it seems that we've had multiple devastating Hurricanes in which residents are still trying to clean it up. Just had a bad one in Florida causing major damages across the state. We are having bad tornadoes ripping through the states destroying lives. We have floods in the northeastern part of America. Massachussetts had a massive flooding which destroyed many homes and a big bridge had collapsed. Today, I read where a massive tornado ripped through Alabama and Georgia killing at least 20. This past summer, a number of states who have never seen a 100 degree temperature saw it for the first time. According to alot of meterologists, it's only going to get worse this summer. We shall see.

There is something else that plays on my mind as well. Is this really the works of "global warming" or is this really the works of our Mighty Lord in Heaven? Especially when you think about what Moses had done in the land of Egypt to free the Israelites by the hand of our Mighty Lord.


Anonymous said...

Excellent post. I sometimes feel that there must be a greater force at work too. I'm heart broken over the loss of lives in Alabama highschool...I can't even watch it on TV...howcome there was no warning of any kind???

Frieda said...

"end of the world", I dont believe it. More recent and accurate translations of the New Testament show this to be an error. What Jesus spoke of was "the completion of the age".
For ex: Geologists say that it has taken the Colorado River at least 40 million years to carve outthe Grand Canyon. It is logical, then, to conclude that God has a future for a globe that has taken Him so long to make.

Sherry said...

In my new testament, it says "end of age. Not end of world. When I say End times does not mean end of world altogether. It just means end of the age period.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Rita Loca said...

I am living under socialism...and there is no food!!!No medicine!!!No jobs!!!Lots of poverty though.
So, you are saying we should let people with as much anger as you are showing to have the nukes?
No thanks!!

Anonymous said...

If you want to wake up and see outside of the box, just ask the "blog administrator" what is s/he is afraid about the "freedom of speech", especially when there was no bad/F-words to annoy anyone.

It clearly demonstrates that it takes a fascist to exercise censorship.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jungle Mom:


I see a dichotomy between your two comments:

Your # 1 Comment: Clint and I have had amazing adventures together and plan many more.We've traveled by plane, train ,and automobile and even dugout canoes in the Amazon jungle of Venezuela. Its been a fun trip.

Your # 2 Comment: Jungle Mom said...
I am living under socialism...and there is no food!!!No medicine!!!No jobs!!!Lots of poverty though.

The dichotomy is: If you can travel by planes, trains and automobiles through the jungles of the world while having “amazing adventures”, why are you complaining about lack of food, lack of medicines, lack of jobs and the poverty.

Oh, I see. You must be one of those “Republicans” !! Those who promise the poor how they’d address the poor people’s issues if they get elected. And once they get elected, they’d turn around and screw those very poor people who voted for them at the first place.

Curious Joe

Sherry said...

Curious Joe, if you wish to leave comments on MY BLOG, you will refrain from using any derogatory curse words.

Yes we have freedom of speech, but I, under that freedom, have the right to delete your comments if you are cursing.

Unknown said...

So Sherry, I am assuming Rita's comment above was in response to a comment you have now deleted? This angry Curious Joe guy I guess!

Curious Joe, Rita and her hubby did all that adventurous traveling before the last "election" of Hugo! You stated: "Those who promise the poor how they’d address the poor people’s issues if they get elected. And once they get elected, they’d turn around and screw those very poor people who voted for them at the first place." That is not what Rita nor her husband would do , but for a fact, IT IS WHAT HUGO CHAVEZ IS DOING! AND IT IS WHAT FIDEL DID TO CUBA!

Anonymous said...


And there are those horrible socialist countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Netherlands, Spain, France, etc.

Have you checked the latest "quality of life" statistics from the UN/Unisef of those bad countries versus the “wonderful” US and UK?

Venezuela, Equator, Chili, Argentina, and other Latin American countries have to go through years of growing pains to become independent of the past colonial dominance and strangulation of the UK/US.

In spite of her theocratic and ruthless Islamic regime, Iran wants to do the same as Latin America. Unfortunately, being delicious to the US/UK oil/gas interest, Iran is not allowed to exercise the freedom currently enjoyed by the South Americans.

After all, who can Iran unionize with? The Arabs? The Pakistanis? The Russians?, or the Kurd-hating Turks?

Maybe the Iranians best hope is to help the CIA to organize a coup against the Mullahs --not too dissimilar a scenario to what the CIA did in Iran in 1953, toppling the democratically elected Mossadegh, replacing him with the brutal Shah and the SAVAK.

Susan said...

I came to your site via Jungle Hut. Seems you and Rita have stirred up a hornets nest. Jesus is Lord!

Unknown said...

Amen Penless Thoughts! I'm so happy I know Jesus and I have a home waiting for me in heaven!

Rita Loca said...

In case anyone is interested. This is a link to the official Bolivarian News Agency of the government here in Venezuela. This particualar article is the government here explaining that Venezuela's socialism is NOT like Europe's at all.

Sorry, Joe! Need to do your homework!

Rosemary Welch said...

Gosh, I wish I wasn't busy. Looks like I missed a nice match. lol.

I was going to say that I do not believe global freezing--er--warming (is it now?) did not start with America. Does anyone believe that SUV's created the Grand Canyon? How about the volcanoes that regularly erupt? Did we cause that?

No. We did not, nor could we. Nature is not our friend, one way or the other. She is under the control of our Almighty God, just as is everything and everyone. Whether they believe it or not...