Friday, May 04, 2007

Dead Sea Scrolls

I have been going over some of the "Dead Sea Scrolls" translations and found a great website to use. If you are interested in knowing what the actual translations are. I suggest this website for the Great Isaiah Scroll.

For the Psalms scroll, I would suggest this site.!.html
This is very good as it seems our KJV Bibles do not have the 151-154 Psalms, but yet the septuagint has it and is written on the scrolls themselves.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the links! I may have never visited them if you hadn't included them in your post! I need to go back and spend more time perusing them when I'm not so sleepy! Good night my friend!

Rita Loca said...

WOW! What a find. I will look into this for sure!

Anonymous said...

Great link. Thanks.