Saturday, June 09, 2007

Pope Meets Bush

ROME(AP) President Bush said Saturday that and he and Pope Benedict XVI discussed the pontiff's deep worries that Christians in Iraq would not be embraced by the Muslim majority.

"We didn't talk about just war," Bush said in a news conference with Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi during a swing through Europe.

"He was concerned that the society that was evolving would not tolerate the Christian religion. ... He's worrisome about the Christians inside Iraq being mistreated by the Muslim majority."

Bush met with the prime minister several hours after seeing the pope. The two men, meeting each other for the first time, appeared intent to look beyond their differences in Iraq. The pope, in his Easter message, had denounced the "continual slaughter" in Iraq and said that "nothing positive" is happening.

Bush said his meeting with the pope, in which the president stressed his record in fighting AIDS and supporting other humanitarian causes, was a "moving experience."

"I was talking to a very smart, loving man," Bush said.

On an issue back home, Bush said his decision to replace Gen. Peter Pace as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff reflected the Democratic-led Congress' opposition to the war in Iraq.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Friday that bitter divisions over the Iraq war on Capitol Hill led the Bush administration to replace Pace Adm. Mike Mullen, currently chief of naval operations.

"Pete Pace is a fine man and a great general and I think the fact that Secretary Gates made the recommendation not to move forward with a renomination speaks to the U.S. Congress and the climate in the U.S. Congress," Bush said.
Associated Press Writer: Jennifer Loven

How dare these people deny Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc...the right to practice their own religion! Yet when they come here to the USA or Europe, they expect us Christians, Jews, etc... to allow them to practice theirs. This is outright hypocrisy! President Bush should be the first to defend Christianity and make it known how Islam will not rule in America at all!


Susan said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. I was 5'7" until older age hit me. Now I'm 5'4" Let me tell you I miss those 3" when I'm cleaning and reaching!!!

Thanks for your strong stand on your blog. I concur: HOW DARE THEY!!!!

We are very conservative and pay close attention to what's going on in our country but my blog leans more toward Faith and Family because that's what I fell God wants me to be about. I am SOOO
thankful for those of you who keep us informed and up to date on issues: like Pen of Jen, Jungle Hut, and now you.

Rosemary Welch said...

Dear Penless Thoughts,
I concur with you. :)

Dear Sherry,
Great post. Thanks for the update. As you know, we never get the whole story, only that there were protests. Whoop-de-do! Really?! lol.

I am also angered that the senate thinks they have the right to be commanders-in-chief! How dare THEY!

There are many Christians in Iraq that are leaving. This is true. But I would put the blame mostly on al-Qaida, not the Iraqi people. Remember, we are fighting a war. I know it does not appear so, but we are.

Until we come to the realization that we are fighting a religious war, we are going to be at war. Once we come to that realization, we can finally do what we did in Japan. You can practice your religion in private, but it will have NO place in government, justice, laws, or anything else...

Rosemary Welch said...

Dear Penless Thoughts,
Did you really lose 3"? I am only 5'! OMG! Help! lol.

Rancher said...

Things are bad for Christians in every Muslim led country. Even our friends the Saudis. Saudi Arabia does not allow the worship of any other religion other than Islam. Jews are not allowed in the kingdom and Christians are warned that they risk arrest if they participate in private prayer gatherings. Only Muslims can enter Mecca. Tolerance seems to have no place in Islam.