Thursday, June 07, 2007

Politicians are criminals too.

What are these politicians doing in Congress? These laws were created to be put in force, not to look at! That is the reason our fore-fathers of Congress members created these laws. I believe that our Congressional Caucus needs a make-over. People like Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, John McCain, John Kerry, etc... need to resign as they will not enforce what was in the laws. This current Congress are all criminals since they won't enforce nor abide by the laws we have now. Why even have laws at all? The lawlessness in this country increases every second of the day. For instance: Congressman Jefferson was EXPOSED for his bribery scandal. What happened next, the voters in New Orleans voted for him anyway! He was finally indicted on the Bribery charges. He should not be allowed to participate in any govt. institution as a politician.

Immigration is a hot topic among many people today. I welcome immigrants to this country as long as you do this through the legal channels. If you are illegal, you need to leave as you are not a citizen of this country. I admire Lou Dobbs for his courageous stance against any type of amnesty to "Illegal immigrants". Here is an article from his website.

Lou's Top 5 List
Top 5 Dumbest Things in the Immigration Bill

5) Taxpayers will pay for the immigration lawyers for illegal aliens if working in agriculture.

4) Illegal aliens would be given legal status just one day after their application is filed even if a background check is not completed.

3) Gang members are eligible for amnesty if they renounce their gang status.

2) Borders do not have to be secure before the amnesty program begins.

1) $2,600,000,000,000 -- That is the cost the Heritage Foundation estimates to cover the retirement benefits of 12,000,000 illegal aliens if this amnesty bill becomes law.

These people have free access to our healthcare facilities and guess who has to pay for it? You guessed it, the hardworking American taxpayers. Their young women who are illegal, have children born in our very own hospitals. They in turn receive welfare benefits which consists of WIC, Healthy Start, Food Card/Stamps and much more from our American Govt. This is something I totally disagree with.

I believe that if you are here illegally and you have a child born here in the USA, you should not be given one red cent. If the mother is illegal, then the child is illegal and they should be deported. Taxes are paid by legal American citizens and our benefits should be for the legal American citizens.

1 comment:

Rosemary Welch said...

You cannot convince me that the children wouldn't know the language if they were deported because if they spoke only English, we wouldn't need so many special school programs for them! Don't even get me started...