Dome of the Ascension
The Church of the Holy Ascension was taken by Saladin in 1187 and converted into a mosque and remains such today. It contains what is traditionally the last footprint of Jesus on earth before he ascended into heaven.
Two other places are claimed to be the location of the ascension. Constantine's mother Helena built a church under the modern Paternoster Church to commemorate this event. A much later tradition connects the Russian Orthodox Church of the Ascension to Christ's return into heaven.
Scripture indicates that the Jesus ascended into heaven in the vicinity of Bethany. This village is down the east slope of the Mt. of Olives about 1.5 miles (2 km). In this case, none of the traditional locations for the ascension are correct.
Good to know. I was thinking to myself as I was reading that it doesn't really matter where it was, just that it did happen. We are not supposed to worship idols...
Beautiful. Thank you. Here is a Christian-Persian site:
My email is deletion10p13@yahoo.com
Thank you serendip. Mine is sherbearmom2@yahoo.com or
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