Thursday, February 22, 2007

Our Govt Buildings

Inside the Washington Monument

A stain glass window with George Washington and Psalm 16:1

This is taken at the Ron Reagan building.
Liberty of Worship resting on the 10 Commandments


Anonymous said...

Splendid pictures. Thank you for posting them.

Unknown said...

It staunchly reminds me what our country was built upon!! How can so many be so blind?

Rosemary Welch said...

Simply beautiful.

Dear Pam,
It is written in Romans 1:18-32.

Dear Serendip,

Dear Sherry,
Keep up the great work. :)

Rita Loca said...

Finally have time to read a few blogs. Great photo! I answered your question about sending money out of the country. But I'll leave it here as well.

Sherry: yes we could send Bolivares, but they are practically worthless outside of Venezuela. Carrying large amounts of dollars is dangerous and according to recent comments coming from His Highness Hugo, will soon be illegal.So, its best to use up the Bolivares here, and sale high prices items to people who still have dollars in accounts in the states.

Sherry said...

Thanks for letting me know Rita.
"His Highness Hugo"! ROFL As my nieces would say "PULEEEEEZE".