Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Deep Truth

You have read in the Old & New Testaments about how the Hebrew's were made slaves by the Egyptians. God hath taken them by the hand and lead them out of Egypt. For those who do NOT understand the hidden meaning of that phrase, I shall tell you.

It means, that God himself has lead you out of the darkness(slavery) and filled you with his light(freedom).

I was saying my prayers when this was shown unto me by the Holy Spirit himself. If you pray, believe with all truth, faith and love, you too will see his miracles coming through you. Blessings to all!


Anonymous said...


I visited a new church today. I have been searching for months since God pushed me out of the door of my old one. Today, I heard a sermon that spoke deeply to my heart. It was about healing. Healing is part of God's nature. Just as our nature tends towards sin, God's tends towards healing. While that has been obvious from the Word all this time, why is it that I have not considered it quite like that before? As the pastor spoke, God laid on my heart that even though I did not quite sense that I needed healing, the conflicts at my old church and with my wife since because of what church to go to, I did indeed need healing. God, did a work in my heart this day. I have been joyful all this time, but today was very special. I believe I will be going back to this church!

In Christ

Mike Ratliff

Sherry said...

God Bless You and your wife Mike!!!How many times have you read that in the Bible throughout the Old Testament? He was leading them out of Bondage/Darkness/Slavery/Chains of perdition.